Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center staff show their support for the Brigham’s “Hope Lives Here” campaign.

Everyone has the right to feel safe from violence, but the unfortunate reality is that many people do not — and often suffer in silence.

October is honored nationally as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. With the help of the Center for Community Health and Health Equity, the Brigham recognizes this month as Interpersonal Violence Awareness Month to raise the visibility of not only domestic violence but also all forms of violence and trauma that occur in communities, homes and workplaces.

Join us in taking a stand against interpersonal violence and highlighting the resources available to those in need. Throughout October, all faculty and staff are invited to participate in our “Hope Lives Here” campaign and show their support.

To contribute, visit download and print a “Hope Lives Here” flyer in English or Spanish, and share a photo of you and/or your colleagues holding it up. Email your submission to A gallery will be shared on PikeNotes and on the Brigham’s social media pages.

Do not take pictures of patients or visitors, and be mindful of sensitive information that can be inadvertently captured in your photo.


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